Our Facilities

AS we step into the second decade of the millennium, we believe that technology should be inter-woven into the ‘teaching’ mechanism modernizing the curriculum across the various disciplines and levels.

It is an acknowledged fact that teaching through multi-sensory approach, in which all the 5 senses are tapped, will leave a lasting impact on the young minds and it will also be very student friendly.

We have procured the entire course syllabus from “Teach Next”, one of the leading content providers in India, to make the classroom instruction more effective and enjoyable.


Technology has become an integral part of our daily life. Vignan reacted to it positively. Students are provided with computer education right from the lower primary level.

Our computer lab is well equipped with the latest high end systems and internet facility. It maintains an ideal student-Device ratio of 1:1.

EXTRA curricular reading is an important and healthy habit. We, at Vignan, strive our best to inculcate this habit among the students since we strongly believe that the creativity of the brain and the faculty of imagination are kept alive and alert by this all-important habit.

Our library has a very good collection of books on various topics and subjects, in addition to the magazines and periodicals, daily newspapers and over 3000 reference books, to suit the reading tastes of different age groups of children.

STUDY of science is incomplete without a proper appreciation of the scientific principles involved. Children from upper primary level are allowed to conduct experiments in the subjects of Biological Science, Physical Sciences, and Mathematics. This fosters an inquisitive spirit and a scientific temper among the young children.

The laboratories are well equipped with demonstrable working models and materials required for conducting individual as well as group experiments / projects.

SPORTS not only provide perfect relaxation and a break from the routine of academic work but also an opportunity for children to learn much about themselves, and indeed about life itself, from the experience of working as part of a team. So every child, not only the best or the senior most players, benefits from the coaches who are fully conversant with our instruction programme. Over twenty different activities are available, all introduced with the aim of ensuring that every pupil has the best possible chance of finding a sports activity that he truly enjoys and will continue even after leaving the School.
Our school has proud sports traditions and enjoys an enviable and well deserved reputation for success as hundreds of our students bring laurels to our school at the district, state and national levels every year.

EACH one of us is ‘bestowed’ with a creative intelligence that for the most part remains underutilized due to other preoccupations in life. At Vignan, teachers make constant efforts to stir up their dormant creativity in every child. We believe that true appreciation of art helps in the refinement of a person’s sensibility and shapes him into a more humane individual. Hence, we encourage children to enrol in the student clubs and participate in activities like painting and other fine arts, soft-toy making, literary activities, gardening etc.

Painting, Art and Craft Studio allots a place for every child to work comfortably in an inspiring atmosphere besides providing him with adequate room to store the provisions required for such creative projects.